
Category: Copeland Buhl

Year end tax planning

November 27, 2012 by Andy Graf
Copeland Buhl
Copeland Buhl & Company prefers to be proactive in tax planning with our clients. This year, planning is a bigger challenge because unless Congress acts, the Bush-era tax cuts expire at the end of 2012, meaning large tax increases for some clients. Among the changes scheduled to take effect in 2013...
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Planning for Possible Changes in Your Audit Engagement

August 27, 2012 by Staff
Copeland Buhl
As you plan for your next financial statement audit, there are changes in auditing standards that may impact your engagement. Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS) Nos. 122-125 (referred to as the Clarified Auditing Standards) introduce some changes that go into effect for financial statement audits for periods ending on or...
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