When you think of your favorite accounting professional, what picture immediately comes to mind? Is it the seasoned professional with green eyeshade and pocket protector running a 10-key calculator, or someone with a little more zest for living – say a weekend marathon runner or gourmet foodie? Should all accountants...
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As part of the Omnibus Tax Bill passed by the Minnesota State Legislature during the 2017 Special Session and signed into law by Governor Dayton, the Minnesota Estate Tax Exclusions have been retroactively increased for Estates of Decedents dying after December 31, 2016 to the following: $2,100,000 (for decedents passing...
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The IRS has recently released Revenue Procedure 2017-34 (effective 6/9/2017) to provide a permanent simplified method for estates to make an election to pass the Deceased Spouse’s Unused Exemption (DSUE) to the surviving spouse (aka the estate tax portability election). BACKGROUND IRC Section 2010(c)(5)(A) provides that for a DSUE election...
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Although the effective date is still more than a year out, business owners and Accounting personnel are starting to prepare and ask questions on how the new standard will affect them. While the new standard will have substantial effects on some industries (Construction, Insurance, Not-for-Profit) , others won’t notice much...
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With years of experience using multiple platforms, the professionals here at Copeland Buhl offer a full range of bookkeeping services. Our goal is to help our clients develop the processes to reduce errors, increase efficiency, and ultimately save money and effort on bookkeeping. What’s more, by helping our clients keep...
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