
Author: Staff

Banking Rule Changes

December 13, 2017 by Staff
Audit & Accounting, Copeland Buhl, Tax Services
The banking rules for businesses are changing effective May 11, 2018, however some banks are implementing the changes early. Therefore, next time you open a business bank account, or renew your line of credit, don’t be surprised if they ask for additional information regarding the individual owners of the business....
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Employee Retention

March 16, 2017 by Staff
Copeland Buhl
As Baby Boomers enter into retirement, employers are seeing that there are not enough individuals to backfill many of the roles the Baby Boomers filled within their organizations. As such, it is more critical than ever that employers review their employee turnover rate to determine if they are successful at...
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Year End Tips for 2016

November 22, 2016 by Staff
Copeland Buhl
It is that time of the year again.  Along with all the holiday festivities, accountants are also busy finalizing the books for 2016 and preparing for 2017.  Here are some tips to help you stay organized and accomplish all the yearend tasks: Schedule year end software updates.  Consultants are busy...
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Reasons to Upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016

October 3, 2016 by Staff
Copeland Buhl
When dealing with software and technology, there are advantages and disadvantages of being on the latest-and-greatest version.  The disadvantages usually include the risk of bugs or glitches that coincide with being an early-adopter.  The advantages can usually outweigh the risk by adding new features, increasing performance, and fixing previously identified...
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